Traditional Cherokee people lived within settled villages in the Southeastern section of the United States. One can see this when looking at maps of the Cherokee people, but also through reading traditional myths from the culture. The places named in these myths – such as Judacullah Rock and the Nikwasi Mound – are all various landmarks that were used for a period of years and are even still there today in North Carolina (Mooney). Therefore, this shows that the Cherokee people had a history in the land where they
Traditional Cherokee people lived within settled villages in the Southeastern section of the United States. One can see this when looking at maps of the Cherokee people, but also through reading traditional myths from the culture. The places named in these myths – such as Judacullah Rock and the Nikwasi Mound – are all various landmarks that were used for a period of years and are even still there today in North Carolina (Mooney). Therefore, this shows that the Cherokee people had a history in the land where they