Race: The Power of an Illusion: The Story We Tell A race is considered a difference of skin color. When I was young I remember describing my friends to my mother by their skin color. Looking back, it made me realized, not much has changed when we deal with street crimes, homicidal crime or acts of delinquency we categorize these actions through race. Society constructs our views on race and stereotypes forms the way we treat others. Many people feel racial discrimination has faded however, that is not the case. Race, Class, and Gender in the United States by Rothenberg elaborates what influential play race plays in the United States in the article Racial Formation by Michael Omi and Howard Winant. Race, as we know, is …show more content…
Any racial intermixture makes one non-white” (Rothenberg, 2014:15). When we met a person we put them in a category they can identify as and the first thing we see is color. We feel secure around people that represent our own view of oneself, in the article Omi and Winant point out the ““first thing we notice about people when we meet them is their race” (Rothenberg, 2014:16). Society put these judgments in our mind based on history or simply prejudice. The Documentary Race: The Power of an Illusion: The Story we Tell, provide a different perspective on the issue of race. Thomas Jefferson was the first to articulate a theory of race. His concept “all men are created equal but not all are considered men”, was referring to African Americans. Having an ancestry of European culture you are considered white, however, although some Europeans were poor they considered themselves white. A race is simply an “assign meaning to how you look” society need to put a classification of some sort on a person to feel secure that they know how …show more content…
Indians throughout the years have been indicated as savages and sadly enough the first they are portrayed as hunters with feathers on their head. However, that is a very broad and stereotyped identification, a person can not under no circumstances able to judge based on appearance. Indians were belittled from their culture, their land and most importantly their self-integrity. Rothenberg, in the book Race, Class, and Gender in the United States explains in an article Indians Tribes : A Continuing Quest for Survival that Indians were a problematic issue for the expansion and growth of the United States. Although Indians were viewed as different entities, they “have been viewed as an inferior race” (Rothenberg, 2014: 502). The article explains the various mistreat that Indians received from the Americans, at first Indians were considered to be “white” because they had a similar appearance to the Europeans. With time that idea had changed and instead reflected that they were defined as “children’’ or “savages”. The main fear that the country has always had is the fear of the unknown, “in 1892 ceremonial behavior was misunderstood and suppressed” (Rothenberg, 2014: 503). Indians were forcibly stripped from their origins and were being left with no land, no identity, and no respect. The documentary Race: The Power of an Illusion: The Story we Tell,