I.Theoretical Part: Anger in Literature 1-Definitions: a -Lucius Lactantus defines anger as‘‘an emotion of the mind arousing itself for restraining of faults’’. b- Joyce Meyer thinks that anger is ‘‘ an emotion often characterized by feelings of great displeasure ,indignation, hostility, wrath and vengeance ’’. c- Magda B Arnold believes that anger is ‘‘a felt tendency toward an object judged suitable or away from unsuitable one and reinforced by specific bodily changes according to the type of emotion’’.
3- Characteristics: a-The most common themes are frustration, violence, revenge, alienation , loneliness and class distinction. b-The techniques are experimental elements .They are more …show more content…
His works represent a black tragic comic outlook to human being. b- Edward Albee (1928- ): is an American playwright whose examinations are sexual fantasy, frustration and domestic anguish. 5- Masterpieces: a- Waiting for Godot (1956): is about two men waiting in vain for someone called Godot. b- The zoo story(1958) : is a one act play about a two young men Jerry and Peter, who meet each other in a central park ending up their meeting with a murder.
II.Practical Part: The zoo story (1958) by Edward Albee 1-Title: a- Many critics consider the title of the play and observe that Jerry never tells the story of the zoo . b- The zoo story title embodies a story about how the modern life appears in a landscape where humans are locked in an enclosure. 2-Genre: a- Some reviewers regard the play as an example of The Absurd Theatre, criticizing the triviality of the American society. b- Other critics consider the play as an allegory of redemption that a man sacrifices his life to show the value of communication with people. 3- Setting a- The setting of the play is a central park on Sunday afternoon in summer. b- The setting is non changeable through the play which is about an …show more content…
Albee uses dramatic elements involving ;the setting, the characters, the actions, the language and the plot of the play in order to express his idea.The zoo story introduces themes of frustration, violence ,isolation, lack of communication and class distinction , which are a normal reflection to anger, resulting in the violent end of the play. Most absurdist works are marked by using allegory and satire as a methods for criticizing. In the zoo story ,Peter and jerry can be regarded as representations of two experiences of contemporary America