Changes In The South During The Reconstruction Era

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The time period after the Civil War was called Reconstruction. At the time the president was Abraham Lincoln when the Civil War came to end he started to reconstruct the South making the time period called Reconstruction. This time period played a huge role in the South because it changed their way of life both positively and also negatively. These changes that occurred in the South were both negative (Failures) changes while some on the other hand were positive (Successful) changes. An example of failure to the South were the Ku Klux Klan also known as the KKK, they were a group of people who as their outfit wore robes and masks these costumes which the peoples wore were supposed to mimick ghosts of the Confederate Soldiers. The KKK was worried about the changes to the South, and the rising rights of the African Americans. The KKK attacked black peoples home by putting by putting houses on fire or crosses on their …show more content…
Another negative change were the Blackcodes which were used at the start of Reconstruction the Black Codes were formed to limit the freedom of the African Americans. Both the KKK and the Blackcodes were both failures (negatives) towards the South in this case. The KKK was a failure and also slowly declined as a result of the actions of Ulysses S. Grant, he was a commanding officer, strong military leader and served for 2 years (as a Sampath 2
Commanding officer and strong military leader). It slowly started to decline and come to an end when Grant started an aggressive

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