One reason I believe reconstruction was a failure is black codes. Black Codes were laws that prevented African Americans from being full citizens. There was laws to force African Americans to take jobs that were labor based and that paid low wages. African Americans were forced to have proof of employment by January 1 or they could be fined and or jailed. Most African Americans were forced into sharecropping, this was when white …show more content…
Organizations and individuals still continued to put African Americans below themselves. The Ku Klux Klan was a group of white southerners who believed that African Americans should never be looked at the same as whites. When the Supreme Court underminded the 14th and the 15th amendment it allowed whites to legally opress blacks with no discipline. The amendments also allowed officials in the south to deny African Americans from voting. Because of a compromise between the north and south Hayes was elected president, the bad part about this compromise is he had to follow the souths requests. He had to pull all of the union troops out of the south, which only made opression of blacks even worse. The blacks had to follow special rules in the south, like where they can go and where they can