Name: Aashan Meiyappan
Author: Johnston McCulley
Completion: 2/3 of Novel
Date: 03/23/2015
The novel “Zorro”, written by Johnston McCulley is a fairly adequate one. Upon completion of approximately two-thirds of the book, I have come under realization that the story while the story was exceptionally fast-paced and chivalrous one, it now is gradually losing its momentum. However, in retrospect, I conjecture that the flawless artistry and the coherent visualizations will reappear in the final third as it is where the open-mouthing reveal of Zorro and the impressing climax will make way.
Regardless, the few characters of the novel both stayed the same and have vastly changed in various ways. Once again, …show more content…
This is due to the fact that the characters are all so dependent on their roles and it is what defines them. However, one specific character held me inquisitive. It was Don Diego Vega. As a character in Zorro, he seems very lifeless, but is also extremely rich and is favoured by the governor. However, I conjecture that he is Senor Zorro as both characters are never at the same place at the same time and they seem to be near each other at all times. This happens on several occurrences and must be the only logical explanation unless the author wishes to make the reader think that he is Senor Zorro and surprise them in the end – which is highly …show more content…
The author, Johnston McCulley’s writing style is a minor challenge to read. This is due to the contrasting grammar used as well as the usage of both Spanish and “Spanglish” words, which are often required to translate such as fray, carcel, carreta, and even Zorro. In the midst of reading, I have also noticed arbitrary punctuation marks and words that don’t quite make sense in the context in which they are used. But it is also a possibility that these errors were made in the software that scanned the original copy to create the eBook version. Despite this, although the author does not explain the setting too much, his words really give great detail and hook the reader extensively at points. This is what I most enjoy about the book. Anyways, the story was written in third-person omniscient – the method best for this