What is challenging behaviour:
Chalenging behaviour can be defined as behaviour that interferes with a childs learning, development that is harmful to the child, other children and adults and that may put a child in high risk for social problems and school failures later.
Some exampls of challenging behaviour include
• Withdrawn behaviours this may include shyness, anxiety, absences or social …show more content…
These are:
• Physical
• Verbal
• Emotional
• Sexual
• E bullying
Verbal bullying is the most common form of bullying that occurs in the school environment. This type of bukllying is more common with girls whereas physical bullying is most common amongst boys.
Regardly of the type of bullying- all bullying will have an impact on the vuicyims.
Physical impacts could include, headaches, illness, injuries sustains such as cuts, bruising and black eyes, nightmares, change in eating habilts
Psychological could include loss of self esteem, self respect, trust, may become withdrawn quiet and isolated, may develop mental health concerns such as depression, panic attacks, self harm and suicidal ideation.
When a student exhibit challenging behaviour additional support and interventions are required to address this behaviour and to develop positive behaviours. To redirect and develop positive behaviours Educational support workers need to be able to Identify, Analyse and correct the displayed behaviour
Identifying behaviour
Before a behavioral plan can be implemented, it is cruital to asertain the behavior that is causing learning or discipline problems, and to define that behavior in in a way terms that is easy to communicate, measure and