Many of the challenges that Ha has do not happen to many refugees these days. An example from Inside Out and Back Again is when many of her classmates are bullying her for her religion. At this time in America, people do not judge you based on your religion. In the poem Loud Outside p. 145-146 it is Ha’s first day of school and she is already being bullied. “A pink boy with white hair on his head and white eyebrows and white eyelashes pulls my arm hair… He pokes my cheek. Howls from everyone. He pokes my chest. I see nothing but squeezed eyes, twisted mouths”(Lai 145-146). Like many refugees from the text, Ha is disappointed when her expectations of America are not met. In the poem, Neigh Not Hee on page 131-134 Ha’s bubble is popped. Before moving to America she thought that horses went hee hee hee, only to realize that in America they go neigh neigh neigh”(Lai 131-134). In response to this she replies, “Where am I?” (Lai 134). Another example from the text is from the poem Neighbors. “Eggs explode like smears of snot on our front door…. Bathroom paper hangs like ghosts from our window… A brick shatters the front window, landing on our dinner table along with a note. Brother Quang refuses to translate”(Lai 162). Many of Ha’s neighbors do not support them being here and vandalized their property. Even though this is an example that does not happen to most refugees in …show more content…
One of the examples that I noticed in the book is from the poem Early Christmas. Ha, and her family have people that they can trust and people that they can always turn to for advice. Even though they know there are people that do not like them, Ha and her family know that there are people that do. For example, the cowboy and Ms.Washington show up with gifts for Ha and her family. “They brought gifts, not saying early Christmas, not wanting to embarrass us for not having anything to exchange” (Lai 230). In addition to this, Ha and her family have also turned “back again” when she starts to understand everything that is happening in school. Back at her time in Vietnam Ha was a very smart girl, who tried very hard in school. Since she moved to America she doesn’t understand the language, because of this everything is dumbed down for her. Now that she knows more English she is starting to be able to show what she knows. In the poem, Smart Again Ha answers a question that one of her classmates could not answer. “I know pink boy will get me, but right now I feel smart”(Lai 187-188). In addition to Ha feeling smart again, she also learns to defend herself which boosts her self-confidence. As explained in the first paragraph Ha is being bullied in school. Now that she understands what they are saying and knows that she can fight back she does.