Ha was a very rebellious person, but she was also curious about her surroundings. Ha is a very curious person because she desires to learn and obtain new knowledge. Ha wants to distinguish what particular things look like and wants new experiences in life, “who knows what he will notice before me?...rise first every morning”(Lai, pg. 9). Ha is a curious person because she wants to learn and witness new things even though Ha is not supposed to wake up early and look at the papaya tree. Ha’s brothers are much taller and bigger which means they usually get to see the ripening of the fruit first, but now Ha will get her turn. Ha is not waking up early with bad intentions, she just wants to know what's going on and wishes to learn new things. Similar to many …show more content…
Ha, Vu, Khoi, Quang, and Mother go through many socialistic challenges of being accepted into their environment and many personal challenges of fleeing a country that many people may go through. The family was forced to get on tightly packed boats to a refugee camp in Guam, to get to the United States and be free. On their to freedom, the family had to go through many challenges that all refugees go through such as getting bullied, not being treated equally, and missing loved