Cesar Estrada Chavez was his full name. During his childhood, …show more content…
He also took a new era of social justice for the United States. They struggled and failed their attempts to create the permanent Union for Farm Workers but in 1956 National Farm Union, which was renamed as National agricultural …show more content…
The reason and the grape boycott strike happened was because the workers did not get paid enough and Cesar Chavez wanted to have a fair amount for their workers. Cesar wanted his supporters to understand that violence was not going to be involved at all and the strike supported from outside the Central Valley. Church's, students, and adults were involved. This strike led to North America and started
to increase nobody wanted to stop. The leader of this strike, the person who cared, Cesar Chavez, knew that his people would not want to end what has started. On the website I found this information stated the strike lasted for 2 and 1/2 years and in 1967 through 1968 there was a winter, he knew that the men were very impatient and they weren't going to quit. During the strike men also wanted to be violent, they wanted to be fair, they thought it was the right decision, but Cesar Chavez wanted no violence, he rejected it and he wanted to follow leaders that he found as an