The first outlet is the use of traditional billboards. If strategically and effectively placed in the right areas of the country, Riddell can portray its image of their already well known concussion resistant helmets now offering the added option of heat exhaustion prevention. This would be a valuable asset if positioned in areas heavily trafficked with consumers such as football stadiums and busy highway billboards. The second means of advertising would be in certain sports magazines. With articles appearing in such high profile magazines like Sport Illustrated and ESPN magazine. Since these magazines are more likely to be viewed by potential customers, Riddell uses these sports magazines to promote their products easily and to the targeted market desired. A third means of advertisement would be the sponsorships of selected athletes in professional sports to appeal to the fans of those sports and athletes. One of these tools that have proven to have results is the option of a press release. These are used to inform the public of the upcoming unveiling of a new product bearing a positive outlook on the company and product. The format of a press release is generally parallel through out all media outlets ranging from stories and headlines in the newspapers, advertisement on radio programs, to advertising on television …show more content…
Riddell offers informational programs intended on emphasizing safety among players called Riddell Smarter Football Program. This is a platform to which Riddell gives local teams around the country guidance on safer approaches and practices to protect the player from added risk of injury. The program offers a reward of up to $100,000 of products to the team that best exuberates how the money would affect their ability to play safer, smarter football (Riddell Newsroom, 2016). A press release was last released describing being the helmet to have the addition of giving the athlete an easily visible, clearly stated suggested life expectancy label for the product before it is time to be reconditioned, much like an oil chance leaves a note reminding you when to come back for a change (Riddell Newsroom, 2012). Riddell takes its customer into consideration of every step of the process. By awarding grants to local schools, Riddell gives the sport of football a chance of new life. With the money from these grants, the schools are able to then afford the concussion sensing technology (Fox40, 2016). Riddell currently is at a high level of social responsibility with its informative programs and its ability to provided underprivileged teams with these state of the art materials. Riddell is very fond of using personal selling as a means of marketing by using