The defense asked was the plaintiff was speeding past the bus or did the plaintiff slowed down when he saw the bus stop. The witness then stated the plaintiff was going the speed limit. The defense finished their questions and the judge had called a short recess. The plaintiff and the lawyers had went outside to talk and I figure to regroup. The jury was instructed before the judge called a short recess was to not discuss the case among themselves. The court resume after the short recess and the defense have to call upon their witness which was Officer Lopez. He was response officer who came when the accident happened. He stated his name and his profession to the court. The defense what he saw when he got to the scene and the witness came the car was severely damaged in the front of the passenger car and the rear was badly damaged of the right side of the car. The plaintiff and the son was unconscious when he arrived and many of the people of bus was madly injured. He made sure that the father and the son was rushed to the hospital and others that were hurt and took statements. By the look of the crash he explained the bus ran into the plaintiff
The defense asked was the plaintiff was speeding past the bus or did the plaintiff slowed down when he saw the bus stop. The witness then stated the plaintiff was going the speed limit. The defense finished their questions and the judge had called a short recess. The plaintiff and the lawyers had went outside to talk and I figure to regroup. The jury was instructed before the judge called a short recess was to not discuss the case among themselves. The court resume after the short recess and the defense have to call upon their witness which was Officer Lopez. He was response officer who came when the accident happened. He stated his name and his profession to the court. The defense what he saw when he got to the scene and the witness came the car was severely damaged in the front of the passenger car and the rear was badly damaged of the right side of the car. The plaintiff and the son was unconscious when he arrived and many of the people of bus was madly injured. He made sure that the father and the son was rushed to the hospital and others that were hurt and took statements. By the look of the crash he explained the bus ran into the plaintiff