Foster Care and Child Protective Services: There is currently no history of involvement with the Department of Social Services. Ryan has never been removed from the home and placed in care. He has been allowed, due to his offenses, to stay with his maternal grandparents in the Carrolton section of Virginia. Ryan has never run …show more content…
grader. He is currently receiving home bound instruction. In the last three months, Ryan has attended school regularly and there has been an overall improvement in his behavior. Ryan 's general attitude toward education is positive; he believes there is a definite benefit to his education and somewhat believes the school environment is encouraging and supportive. There are many positives in the school situation; Ryan is involved in one school activity name activity. Ryan feels close to two school staff members name staff/title. Ryan has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). His parents and guardians believe an education is beneficial. Ryan desire is to complete his education. He has achievable academic and career goals. Ryan has no noted Individual Education Plan and no current involvement in school activities. Both his parents and guardians value education and want the best for Ryan. Grades missing & state whether he is receiving special …show more content…
Ryan is currently receiving treatment and is currently taking medication for a mental health problem. Ryan has had a liver transplant in the past. Records on the severity of his physical? health issues and any required medical treatment were not able to be obtained. Ryan’s family has attempted to have these records released to the court. However, at this time, this officer has not received them. Ryan’s family is highly concerned about his medical condition and his care being maintained while he is housed by the Department of Juvenile Justice. They fear that all the precautions they have to make sure are followed for Ryan will not be taken. Ryan’s caretakers indicate that bloodwork has to be done for Ryan at a minimum of twice a month to avoid kidney failure. If Ryan gets sick with a fever or virus, he should be sent to the hospital immediately. They also state Ryan cannot have any live viruses in his vaccinations. The Bassett’s and the Fly’s would prefer to have Ryan remain in the community where his medical condition could be monitored closely and no additional injuries occur as the result of unforeseen injuries from other kids. They feel his treatment providers are able to maintain him in the community and also assure the safety of others around Ryan. Ryan has shown no indications of homicidal ideation but has thought about suicide, but made no attempt. There have been indications of sexual abuse by a family