The mice will be divided into 4 groups as follows
Group 1 (24) - This group will receive vehicle (no HIV-1 Tat or influenza vaccine). This serves as control for all the other groups
Group 2 – This group will receive HIV-1 Tat at week 1 and week 3 intravenously at a dose of 500 ng (to determine the effect of only HIV-1 Tat).
Group 3 – This group will receive vehicle on week 1 and week 3, followed by influenza vaccine on week 4 and booster dose on week 7 (to determine the responses mediated only by influenza vaccine).
Group 4 – This group will receive HIV-1 Tat on week 1 and week 3, followed by influenza vaccine on week 4 and booster dose on week 7 (to determine the effect of HIV-1 Tat on influenza vaccine).
Group 5 - This group will receive vehicle on week 1 and week 3, followed by pneumococcal vaccine on week 4 and booster dose on week 7 (to determine the responses mediated only by influenza vaccine).
Group 6 - This group will receive HIV-1 Tat on week 1 and week 3, followed by pneumococcal vaccine on week 4 and booster dose on week 7 (to determine the effect of HIV-1 Tat on pneumococcal