It was 1943 and there was two sisters, the older girl was Lida and the younger girl was Larissa. They were separated after a medical exam. Lida was put into a smelly and hot train car that was full of other childenrgot of the train and had to take off their cloths. They all got shaved heads,were sprayed with a weird liquid,showered and then had to find a piece of clothing. After two days the doors we opened and her and the other kids got ‘some sort of soup.’ That night in the train car Lida started singing a lullaby she had learned from her mother and a guy named Luka joined in singing. A few days later they got of the train and had to take off their cloths. They all got …show more content…
Then randomly Lida gets a new job. In the train going to her new job Zenia tells Lida she is Jewish and sos Lida gives Zenia her cross necklace. When they get their a soldier inspects their hands and tells them to take off all metal. Then the soldier shows them what to do. They were making bombs for Hitler! At mealtime Juli tells Lida that Luka had escaped. Then later Natalie has a idea to sabbatoue the bombs by putting dirt in their pockets and whenever the guy behind the glass is not looking then they would mix the gunpowder with the dirt. While they were making bombs there was a bomb that dropped on the factory but had not exploded yet and they all ran out. While they were out a young girl with blond braids appeared out the window of a black car and it looked to be Larissa, but then she left. Then some of the people ran away from the train because it could explode and they walked to the camp. Lida ran into Juli when she got their. Then Juli got a gun and walked out and shot and killed Officer Schmidt but sadly Juli was also shot. Then while Lida is going to another workcamp she runs into a girl that has her cross necklace. At the next job they were making bullets. After a long time soilders came and