Bp Oil Spill Research Paper

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The Coal Oil Point along the California coast releases and estimated 2,000 to 3,000 gallons of oil into the Oceans each day, according to livescience.com. The BP Deepwater Horizon catastrophe in 2010 spilled 205.8 million gallons of oil and 225,000 tons of methane into the Gulf of Mexico, proven by biologicaldiversity.org. An oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially marine areas, due to human activity, and is a form of pollution. Since so much oil is being released into the ocean, should we really risk clean water to oil? Bernie Sanders once said “We all remember the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the worst oil spill in U.S. history. What is less well known is that BP is claiming a 9.9 billion tax deduction on the money they had to spend cleaning up their own mess and paying for …show more content…
When the oil gets inhaled by an animal it becomes poisonous, and when it gets in the animal’s fur they can’t use the fur to maintain body temperature. Since the oil floats, animals like seabird and sea otters are commonly affected and are often found on the shorelines when the oil comes ashore. Other animals, such as snails and clams, also get harmed if the oil stays on the beach for too long. Animals are dying or getting harmed, according to response.restoration.noaa.gov, when they could still live if the oil was cared better for.

Oil spills not only affect animals, but they affect the economy. When oil is spilled, the government has to spend money cleaning it up. They spent over 1 million dollars cleaning up oil each year. Some jobs, such as fishermen, can’t make enough money because the animals are dying from the oil. If there was an oil spill in an area that heavily relies on the tourism industry, they would suffer economically. Many jobs, people, and governments are losing money, according to istf.ucf.edu, when the oil could just be controlled more

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