Cloning Annotated Bibliography Essay

Decent Essays
Annotated Bibliography
The Bioethics of Cloning

Devolder, Katrien. "Cloning." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CT: Stanford U, Metaphysics Research Lab., 2004. 212-214. Print.

This encyclopedia page describes the relationship between cloning and its embryonic cells. Cloned embryonic cells carry important advantages in biomedical research, drug recovery, and toxicity testing that regular cells don’t: these cells can be models when animal cells are not available, research in patients is too dangerous or invasive, in cases of rare diseases. Furthermore, cloned cells can even be used to treat patients. For example, if somebody had a lack of white blood cells, cloning could theoretically build them for their immune system. I can use this encyclopedia article to explain another potential benefit of cloning. This part of my paper would go more into depth about the reach cloning can have on numerous things, and exactly how much it would change life.

Farina, Antonio. "Human cloning." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 5th ed. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2014. Science in Context. Web. 10 Dec. 2015.

This encyclopedia page shows the benefits of animal cloning, including pharmaceutical proteins, nutraceuticals, and xenotransplantation organ source animals. Transgenic animals created by cloning can be used to develop certain disease-fighting proteins. Cloning can also be used in organ transplants from animals to humans. This information would be helpful in finding yet more reasons supporting the positive bioethical side of cloning. Although dangerous, the potential for saved lives as described in the encyclopedia is large. This page might be risky to use as many people have a deep and personal connection with animals and might be dismayed with their role in human cloning, despite not having been harmed eighty percent of the time. Nonetheless, it can be used in the body of my essay as evidence of the positivity of cloning. Kahn, Jeffrey P. "Bioethics." World Book Student. World Book, 2015. Web. 7 Dec. 2015. This article discusses bioethics and the controversial subjects that it covers. Among cell research, and human genetics, cloning is named, defined, and its pros and cons are briefly explored. It mentions cloning as a creation of an organism sharing the precise genetic makeup of a previously existing matter. Benefits are cited as helping scientist to better comprehend genes and cells as well as opening treatment for causes of numerous diseases. The article also gives potential issues like the psychological and social state of cloned individuals, the abuse of money over the technology, and medical dangers. I can use this source for providing a basic background of cloning in my introduction, in order for the reader and I to have a similar state of mind coming into my paper. "Minerva Biotechnologies Licenses Sendai Virus Technology for Stem Cell Generation." Entertainment Close-up 6 Sept. 2015. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 9 Dec. 2015. This article illustrates how scientist’s new understanding of cloning can better assist in stem-cell research, the basis for all disorder and disease information.
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Through process and cloning in prime cells, scientist Shinya Yamanaka, MD, Ph.D was able to reverse the aging and contamination of cells. The sendai virus enables genes in a host cell without disturbing its development, which is critical for research. I could use this as another example of how cloning-technology is positively impacting lives and the fight against disease. Additionally, Shinya Yamanaka can be an example of how earnest and exclusive cloning research is. Smith, Simon. "The Benefits of Human Cloning." The Benefits of Human Cloning. Human Cloning Foundation, 26 Feb. 1998. Web. 14 Dec. 2015. This article from the Human Cloning Foundation website highlights various benefits of cloning. Reversing factors like aging and heart attacks, curing infertility, improving cosmetic surgery, combating defective genes, spinal cord injuries, genetic diseases, and cancer are all considered monument feets to be accomplished by the work of cloning technology and worth the risks. Cloning is a very delicate process with significant social and moral undertones, and with it comes a great shift in the inner workings of society. While some see cloning as “playing god,” the Human Cloning Foundation cannot ignore the sheer magnitude of innocent people suffering without

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