Animal Cloning Satire

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Cloning is a controversial topic which lies in the morals of the people, the decision to make a mini replica of a preexisting thing in a lab causes a range of reactions. Cloning is considered a type of asexual reproduction, which consists of reproducing DNA. My fascination with human cloning started in sixth grade because of a Novel by Nancy Farmer called The House of the Scorpion, the story is about a young boy who was isolated much of his younger life by a drug lord which is the original copy of the young boy. Matteo the original is over 200 years old because he discovered a way to keep producing clones of himself that provide him with organs and body parts to live forever. The series goes on with the original Matteo dying and by law the clone can inherit the empire of the original, but Matteo is still a copy of the original which means his life is built for destruction and pain. This story is nice and all, but the real practical use of cloning in the real world can be used for a wide variety of things …show more content…
State and national parks are being demolished yearly to build parking lots, malls, or new neighborhoods, in this case cloning is an advantage to help regenerate extinct plants to help rewind the current trend of urbanization. Martha Craven Nussbaum an American philosopher and the current Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago and author of Clones and Clones: Facts and Fantasies about Human Cloning, states in her novel about this new wave of science taking a turn towards cloning, since the arrival of dolly the possibilities are wide open for more cloning of animals. Dolly was the 277th attempt by the Roslin Institute to clone the original sheep, since dolly is the first mammal to ever be cloned this raises the

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