Despite all of the changes Bensenville is close to many attractions in Chicago and around the suburbs. Foodies can enjoy countless …show more content…
You could go to a small Mexican restaurant or the local supermarket and always run into someone you knew either from school or because you lived close by. I’ve spent my summers at the local swimming pool, going to concerts at the local park. Every 4th of July celebration I went to a golf course to watch the fireworks. I have often spent my time at the library helping others with their homework or sitting in a comfortable chair, reading a science fiction book. Fenton high school, home of the Bisons, was my school for four years and there are very few schools with better school spirit than ours, GO BISONS! As a member of Concert Choir I’ve been lucky to participate in many in and out of school concerts. Some of our outings included singing Christmas carols at the main O’Hare airport terminal. It was always a great experience bringing a little holiday joy to those that were travelling during that