By failing to recognize that a well-developed educational system promotes success, education systems brink of collapse. Inert Americans stand by and observe as the educational crisis continues to expand. In reality, “the reason for the country’s inaction is that Americans do not really care about education-the country has grown comfortable with the game of ‘let’s pretend we care.’” (Barber, 2014, P. 210) Their unmotivated attitude results from laziness and disregard for the educational system. The country fails to see the influential impact that education has on a person’s worldview. Furthermore, one impact of education is freedom; contrary to popular belief, “we acquire our freedom over time, if at all.” (Barber, 2014, P. 214) Every individual remains dependent on another individual. Through education, students have the opportunity to discern for themselves and form their individual beliefs that shape their …show more content…
At a young age, Americans are taught to value personal success and achievement over education. In regards to the American people, Barber states,“We honor ambition, we reward greed, we celebrate materialism, we worship acquisitiveness, we cherish success, and we commercialize the classroom. (Barber, 2014, P. 212) Educational systems decline in societal value because education’s impact on the success of Americans is not recognized. The motivation of Americans coincides with where importance and value generated from. Americans attribute fame and glory to the abilities of athletes and the famous, meanwhile the work of teachers go unnoticed. “When the society undoes each workday what the school tries to do each school day, schooling can’t make much of a difference.” (Barber, 2014, P. 212) Inevitably, society has a greater influence than education does, as Americans learn by examples taught down by previous generations. The American people have reduced education to a