Colleges should not require the SAT because it's stressful for teens. In fact some colleges start accepting student without SAT they look into your GPA which is a better academic indicator. According with The American Psychological Association’s annual Stress in America survey …show more content…
Consequently, the SAT gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their college-preparedness despite inconsistent grading systems throughout the nation’s high schools (Juric 1). The SAT tests students’ ability to apply what they have learned in high school and to problem-solve based on that knowledge – skills that are critical to success in college (Juric 2). According to Richard P. Phelps, “93% of studies on student testing, including the use of large-scale and high-stakes standardized tests, found a "positive effect" on student achievement”. This means that the SAT could have positive effect on students taking the SAT test.
Standardized testing is a way of measuring the performance of a student and the first step to college admission. The SAT should not be required into college’s admission because it’s stressful for teens and also, SAT is a pressure for the teachers who teach to the test. The results of a SAT should not be considered into college admission. It’s clear to see that the use of the SAT for admission into college is an unfair reflection of students’ total academic achievements. More emphasis should place on students overall accomplishment and academic