There wasn’t any support from our leaders, they lacked mutual respect, and for the most part, it was a divided team. The employees were willing to do their jobs, but the necessary tools and trainings were not available for them. There were times where some employees would come to work and find out that equipment at their work stations have been out of service for days, and other times there would be callouts, insufficient products to keep the operation running. When issues of such were brought to our leaders’ attention, the most we got out of them was one leaving blame on the other, and there was never a solution to any of the problems that occurred. While employees would tried their best to get the jobs done, there were other leaders in the organization who would talk to employees disrespectfully. There was an incident where the director of Patient Food Services, after one of our employees felt ill and dropped to the ground, few other co-workers came running over to help her. When the director came and saw them, he began angry and started screaming at everyone using profanity, when one of told him about what had happened to the ill girl; he said “oh well she needs to get up and take the food trays to the patients”, he didn’t care about her being ill. It is also said that, “leaders bring people together, creating an atmosphere where people …show more content…
We could not tell if we were meeting our organizational goal, unless we were getting our annual reviews. I remember sitting with my direct report for one of my reviews, and she told me that I had twenty-five work mistakes. I did not remember any of those incidents, and if she had given me a feedback after the first occurrence, I would have corrected my mistake or asked her for assistance. As I practice the leadership challenge of encouraging the heart, I realize the implication it has on some people. While trying to give feedback to one of my co-workers last week after he had used the wrong product, he got very upset and created a scene. I was only trying to correct him so that he doesn’t make another mistake, but he took it the wrong