With the increasingly amount of calories being consumed, excessive weight gain follows then leading into obesity. Over 60% of Americans are overweight.(stateofobesity.org“Adult obesity in the United States” ) When fast food is eaten over two times a week it can increase one 's obesity rate by up to 50%, says Morgan Spurlock, in the film”Super Size Me”.(Spurlock “Super Size Me”) Continuing on, 7 states have doubled obesity rates since 1995, 10 states increased by over 90% and 8 states have increased diabetes rates. (stateofobesity.org “Adult obesity in the United States”) The only risk is not obesity; heart disease is also a major concern. What someone eats has high chances of affecting the health or their heart and chances of developing heart diseases, which are a threat to life. After eating different sugars, fats, and salts, the heart grows weak and this harms a person 's …show more content…
The advertisements aren 't showing the real food oneself is getting served and they do not tell you what is in the product or how it is made. The companies use trickery by only showing the good parts about the food, it is cheap, on the go and “tastes delicious”. Not knowing where this food is coming from is probably benefiting once the truth comes out. The animals used to make these products are being abused and forced to live in harsh environments. Many of the animals are forced to live in restricted and limited areas, and most of them are being overfed and pumped full of chemicals to produce more stress so they overeat, to fatten them and they suffer mutilation to get more meat for human consumption, most of these animals are crammed so tight they can not move. (PETA “The Fast Food Industry Abuses Animals”) Their goal is to produce the most products, using the least of amount of money and space. These animals have no legal protection like cats and dogs, so they can be treated as harshly as possible and no one bats an eye, they are being slaughtered inhumanely and neglected so an american can get a cheeseburger or chicken nugget; the companies are profiting off of abuse and getting away with it. (PETA “The Fast Food Industry Abuses