Armenia Research Paper

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Culture is defined as “The habits, beliefs, and traditions of a particular people, place, or time” (“Culture”. (n.d.)). Characteristics of culture are symbols, language, values, beliefs, and politics. Armenia is a country located in Asia land locked by Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. While the country is small it has a lavish history, and rich in culture.
Though Armenia is a small landlocked country with only 11,484 square miles it is a very mountainous yet flat country. There are many rivers, and forest even though the forests do not have many trees. The rural area has many mountainous areas, valleys, and lava plateaus which have numerous extinct volcanoes. While the urban area of the country is mostly flat. Armenia can have devastating earthquakes. The last
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All infrastructures need repair and even renovation in some areas. Since the country is landlocked, there are no ports or harbors. However, the country does currently have 12 airports. Although of those 12 there are only 10 in service and only 5 of them have paved runways. Communication is growing in Armenia though it may not be rapidly. There are roughly 17 phones per 100 people. Around 90% of the nations tele-communication has recently become privately owned. Mobile phone use is currently on the rise in Armenia. Within a 1-year period there went from being only 1 internet provider to there being 7. Armenia was once a much larger country that took up a majority of where Iran currently resides. The country has lost many battles in doing so lost land. There was a 200-year period where Armenia was caught between 2 empires The Iranian and The Ottoman. Historical Armenia ended up being divided between the Russian and the Ottoman later known as the Turkish. There were periodical massacres of Armenians in the 1890’s which was organized by the Turkish authorities. The Turkish used World War I to basically remove the Armenian population. It was

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