Aristotle Obesity Analysis

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Obesity has become an epidemic in America, which creates an ample amount of health issues although society and corporations continue to encourage behavior that leads to an unfortunate result. Becoming obese is not fate. It primarily is a result of American society, the food products that we consume, and people’s susceptibility to misleading advertisements. “Although family genetics do influence an individual's susceptibility toward overweight and obesity, the rapid change in its prevalence is evidence of changing behavioral and environmental factors affecting individual weight outcomes” (Ehmke 540). The way food is made and processed has had a lot to do with obesity in America and the citizens of America actually become addicted to these food products and then it turns into a psychological …show more content…
This prevents a person from the ability to attain the good, because they are living in vice. I think that Cyrenaic hedonism explains why obese individuals struggle with losing weight, but Aristotle’s interpretation of obesity, or gluttony, is accurate. Both starvation and obesity result in health issues that ultimately can result in death, which can cut a person’s life short, constricting time to reach …show more content…
He thought that pleasures were measured in quality over quantity, “…as in the case of food he prefers the most savory dish to merely the larger portion” (Soccio 190). This explains the opposite of what most American’s value when it comes to food. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute reported that Portion sizes have at least doubled in the past twenty years (1). America surpasses most other nations’ portion sizes, and as a nation we have learned to expect that the biggest food items are the best ones. Epicuris would say that this is not the effective way to achieve

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