Problem: Health Currently there is a ‘supersize’ culture in America. Every fast food chain has upped their portions, and it is distorting the way that Americans perceive the amount of food they eat.13 According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, food portions in America’s restaurants have doubled or tripled over the …show more content…
The CDC reports that 29 million Americans, or 9.3% of the population have diabetes,6 and 73.5 million have bad cholesterol.10 For humans with diabetes and high cholesterol, they need to be very intentional about what foods they intake. Lori and Michael Brown are a couple in Seattle. Lori recently found out that she has high cholesterol, and her husband Michael has diabetes. In the words of Lori “It’s more of a Russian roulette, because you don’t know exactly how much is in each dish, how much fat, how many fat grams, how many carbs for …show more content…
Sharon Bogan, from the Communications department of the Seattle and King County Public Health department stated that companies like Taco Time and Subway which pride themselves on being a healthier alternative were excited to showcase their nutrition facts for all to see. While companies like Starbucks weren’t nearly as excited and actually cut 15% of fat from food items, and 36% of fat from beverages. Taco Bell added their Fresco Menu containing eight items with nine grams of fat or less, and Cosi switched to a reduced-fat dressing on their signature salad (Bogan, personal