Response Essay: Hungry For Change

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Obesity is a common theme, research point, epidemic running through America. People everywhere are trying to justify, understand, and eradicate this epidemic. Hungry for Change works to expose obesity and why it is so widespread through America, and how it can be attacked and removed from our mainstream media. Obesity is more complex than common knowledge and surface level understanding that one is overweight; there is much more to it. There are factors and society helping to promote obesity. Fats, sugars, and processed foods are the new drugs of present day, a problem Colquhoun, Bosch, and Ledesma, expose and explore in their documentary Hungry for Change, where they carefully explore the many contributors to this dispute and provide an understanding, and even as far to say, a solution. In order for the authors to provide their solution, they first use biochemistry as a way of solidifying their argument and explaining the ingredients that are contributing to the present-day drug. They open up with their first claim to obesity as people are “overfed, but they are starving to death” in America. This claim is extremely powerful and descriptive of modern day society. …show more content…
There are many factors that come into play when understanding the causes of obesity. The causes must be recognized before solutions can be made. The authors of Hungry for Change effectively discuss the many layers of the detrimental situation, and why food is the new drug of America. The society of America disguisedly favors obesity by insinuating addiction and marketing on the emotions and stresses of people unable to understand the biochemistry of what is happening in their own bodies. Hungry for Change’s biochemical, societal, and cultural take on obesity exemplifies the complexity of the issue, and provides an understanding of what is wrong, why it is wrong, and how to mend this epidemic and eradicate this new drug from killing

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