Having children is difficult for many families. Parents have to multitask to either to return to work or to stay home. Some families have extended families to help them with childcare, while other parents have to look for alternative ways to have someone take care of their children, while they’re at work. Daycare throughout the United States is a daytime or afternoon care for the needs of any children who needs supervision, is a structured environment for school aged children before and after care. Daycare centers concentrate on care of infants through preschoolers. Every daycare operates differently because they have different rules. Daycare setting makes it comfortable for parents because they have trained teachers, …show more content…
Infants and toddlers receive care by constantly meeting their physical and emotional needs. Is significant they learn close bonds with others in different ways during their first three years of their life. Little Einstein’s will help every infant with their physical development. The trained teacher will monitor every child’s movement. The teacher will be attentive to the infants’ reflexes because they are automatic reactions to stimulation in which they respond to their environment. For example, babies automatically suck when presented with the nipple, turns their heads when parents speak, grasp at a finger that is pressed into hand and gets startled when they hear a loud noise. An infant who is hungry or tired cries counts on the caring adult to fence for their cues and meets her needs. A toddler will boost their physical development by encouraging them both physical growth and motor skill development. Teachers at Little Einstein’s will encourage toddlers to walk, tossing a ball, jumping in place and riding a tricycle. As they progress in growth and become more adaptable to their environment, their activities will help the teachers to direct their fine motor movements. For example the teachers will help them with scribbling, stacking blocks, using a spoon and drinking from a cup. Temper tantrum is common, but the …show more content…
Little Einstein’s teachers will help the infants by engaging them in their environment. The child will begin to think about their wants, how to accomplish it and develop expectancy about cause and effect. For example the child might suck on their thumb or hand because it soothes them. A teacher will help the child with their needs, by feeding, changing diapers, and pay attention their signals. Little Einstein’s teachers will teach toddlers how to identify noises in their environment. For an infant the teacher will repeat a song or finger plays. For example the infant will look at the teacher and coos. The teachers will respond back to the infant. They will also help toddlers with singing by playing his favorite songs and music at the centers. It will improve the child’s memory and word identification. For example, toddlers will learn by practicing the alphabet, reading books about the alphabet, playing with puzzles, and teaching them to count. The teachers will help them with shapes and colors by giving them activities and helping them distinguish the shapes from each other. They will also integrate the shapes to their environment, point and say “That is a round blue