Technology has made some aspects easier: students can study wherever feasible in the appropriate environment with internet access, lectures and course material are usually presented in videos and pictures, and homework and assignments are submitted online. A study shows that a group of fifth grade students performed better in online homework than in the traditional homework. The study concludes, “By using a system such as the ASSISTment system, students can learn more than they would by doing their homework with paper and pencil” (Mendicino, Razzaq, & Heffernan, …show more content…
Such examples of how the online method lacks prove that it’s a serious issue today. It isn’t unheard of that students cheat on tests and quizzes taken online; tests and quizzes are stricter in the traditional class and more formal. Interaction is much easier in a traditional class: students can raise hands, ask questions and receive feedback more effectively as well as share thoughts with classmates. Alleyne (n.d.) agrees, “These types of interactions humanize the educational experience in a way that online learning does not.” Face to face conversations give a better understanding to student than online videos. Stronger bonds between the teacher and the students are formed more easily in a traditional classroom than in an online class; students are also more involved in their social lives and activities. Alleyne says, “With face to face interaction you develop lifelong contacts, memories and experiences that are harder to foster in an online