An incident occurred on a SUNY Albany bus in which students were physically attacked, and called racial slurs by fellow students.
I was going to wait until the video was released to say my piece, but since the story has now hit, and UAlbany held a rally Monday evening I figured I 'd give my two cents right now.
If you don 't know what incident I 'm talking about than you can read about it HERE
What I 'm going to say may not be popular, but it needs to be heard.
People can suck, regardless of their race or religion. We 've been trained since birth to see the differences in each other physically, there 's no way around it. What you can do …show more content…
As human beings we should be exposed to the different circumstances our fellow HUMANS live in, and the injustices that can occur when people that are less fortunate are abused by the system.
"All Lives Matter"
I hate the fact that it works to differentiate between us as human beings. All lives matter, a human is a human is a human. If anything we need to realize that a person is just that; a fellow human being. Regardless of their race or religion, every individual should be given an equal opportunity in your life when you meet them. Some people suck; there 's no way around it, but the least you should do is give them a clean slate before you get to know them.
Here 's the issue when you differentiate between races during rallies: People automatically take sides. The intentions are always good, the results rarely are.
I 'll never know what it 's like to walk into a lecture hall, or on a bus and be one of a handful of minority students. I can 't speak for anyone who has or will. I 've attended plenty of events where 99% of the people are white; I 've also attended plenty of events where I 'm the only white jewish …show more content…
Your guard automatically goes up, and it takes a lot for you to let it down, and trust everyone around you.
What people need to understand is that it 's always easy to be in the majority. Everyone is more comfortable when they fit into a situation, it 's just human nature. Next time you 're in the majority just stop for a second and try to realize how you felt the last time you were in a situation you weren 't accustomed to, with people from a different background as you.
If you take anything from this please realize that while you 're attending a university YOU ARE A COMMUNITY. Your race, religion or socioeconomic status needs to be thrown out of the window. You 've spent your whole life ignoring issues that haven 't directly affected you, well actions within the UAlbany community affect each and every one of you.
No life matters more than any other, the sooner we realize this the sooner people will stop drawing lines in the sand, and taking sides.
PS: If you can 't drink and have a good time, without acting a fool, then keep your A$$ at