Personal Narrative: Inside Out

Superior Essays
Some people say that their flashbacks are never like the movies’ version, where the screen goes from the character doing something to the screen flashes to her point of view. And the view of the screen is too zoomed in, to where the viewer could not see the person or the object that the character is seeing, causing the character to forget how to breathe and have people worry for them. Everyone is different, but mine are exactly like how the movies describe it to be. Some are triggered by the senses, like the smell of cologne or the taste of a certain pasta. While some just randomly pop up in my mind, almost like in the movie Inside Out where mini people in your mind would pick a memory ball and put it on the memory projector for showing. I do not know why it happens and why I cannot recall these memories. But because of these flashbacks, not only do I try to piece …show more content…
“Because I don’t know…”
And then it would stop. Like it was the ending of a novel that would urge a reader to put the date of the sequel being in stores on a countdown calendar. Even my friends don’t know who it was because I didn’t talk to him after. I felt so bad. I wanted to know so badly. I tried so hard at first where I would get migraines trying to figure it out, but from going through my old yearbooks to walking to the exact same spot, it was hopeless.
I have come to the point where I will remember the certain things such as scenery, time of day, or what I did, but I would not remember who I was with, like the group I was with at the beach or the boy I was laughing with in the hall. I think it’s because the triggers are getting stronger as I am getting older. Like when I’m in the mall and I pass by the scents of pretzels and remember what I ate one day (that weren’t even pretzels) or when I walk through the clothing isle and see a certain type of clothing and remember what one person wore. It gets better with time I guess, as many would

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