Dahl, Joanne, and Tobias Lundgren. “Behavior Analysis Of Epilepsy: Conditioning Mechanisms, Behavior Technology And The Contribution Of ACT.” The Behavior Analyst Today 6.3 (2005):191-202. PsycARTICLES. Web. 1 Oct. 2015. This article provides a view into the symptoms, mechanics, and scientific study behind epilepsy and epileptic fits. The strongest points that would pertain to my research paper are its evidence on how stress could trigger epileptic fits, being a root cause of seizures. The article is non-debatable throughout and is unbiased towards any particular route of treatment, or understanding of the illness. This article will help strengthen my essay by ensuring …show more content…
Gluekauf, and Jeffrey Rasmussen. “Developing Family Counseling Interventions For Adults with Episodic Neurological Disabilities: Presenting Problems Involve, And Problem Severity. “Rehabilitation Psychology 43.2 (1998): 101- 117. PsycARTICLES. Web, 30 Sept. 2015 This article entails a great amount of detail of previous psychological disorders passed down from genetics, and how likely family counseling would assist people with epilepsy. The part of the article that would pertain to my specific research paper would be how people with epilepsy generally have other psychological disorders which could include depression and anxiety. This article is scientifically based and has no bias in its research. The article shows credibility with the way the article was organized as well as its published year being fairly recent.
Shakespeare, William. “Othello, the Moor of Venice.” Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Ed. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Giola. 5th ed. New York: Pearson, 2016. 742-852. …show more content…
It gave statistics on the amount of smokers, drinkers, and people who skip their medication for hereditary issues, who have developed post traumatic stress disorder as well as logical stances on why other health issues could add onto the symptom. This will give a back bone to my stance on why Othello could have PTSD due to the unhealthy habits that people weren’t socially aware of back in the Shakespearean timeframe. The article is credible due to its recent publish date and its overall professional presentation throughout the