After the events of September 11, 2001, America launched into an anti-terrorism fight that was different from any other fight seen before. The aspiration for three-letter government agencies became information. Information became the most valuable asset in warfare. Initially, torture was the obvious choice for extracting information. However, officials started to question its effectiveness. Anne Applebaum states in “The Torture Myth”, that America has operated under the false pretense that torture is a viable option for obtaining information, and because terrorists are malicious, so America needs more aggression to win. She argues that torture hurts the country more than it benefits. Torture
After the events of September 11, 2001, America launched into an anti-terrorism fight that was different from any other fight seen before. The aspiration for three-letter government agencies became information. Information became the most valuable asset in warfare. Initially, torture was the obvious choice for extracting information. However, officials started to question its effectiveness. Anne Applebaum states in “The Torture Myth”, that America has operated under the false pretense that torture is a viable option for obtaining information, and because terrorists are malicious, so America needs more aggression to win. She argues that torture hurts the country more than it benefits. Torture