Slaves in the northern states were freed while those in the south were kept to work the land. Blacks were considered three-fifths of a person in voting standards because of the ⅗ Compromise created at the Constitutional Convention. So things still were not equal for everyone after the…
The North Won the Civil War, but the South Won Reconstruction Many problems were faced in the U.S. after the Civil War caused by the death of Abraham Lincoln, a new president, and major differences in people’s opinions. The two main forces of power after the Civil War both had the same thoughts on many topics, and coincidently many of these thoughts and ideas were what started the Civil War. Andrew Johnson was left to be president when Lincoln’s death occurred, and it just so happens that he did not share much of the same opinions as Lincoln. Radical republicans believed that Southerners should be punished versus apologizing and becoming a part of the Union.…
Reconstruction Era Exam 11th Grade US History Please follow the directions provided for each of the sections. Students will have 1 hour to complete this exam. Please read the instructions carefully before beginning the exam.…
Before the civil war, the states was separate with their own rule of living. The north was full of free state and the south was full of slave states. In this country, slaves was necessary for making money. Yet, they treat them as they was not human even in the free states. The north made a thing called the union with will bring everyone together but, the south didn't want to be apart of it.…
Former Confederate officials as well as slave owners slowly began to return to power. “Black codes” was passed, legislation were set in place that imposed voter qualifications, and the sharecropping system was the new form of slavery for blacks. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments were repealed. Violations of civil rights due to blacks were pretty much…
Introduction During the 1800s the North and South came to a crossroads; their outlooks on slavery were rather diverse. The South did not wish to lose its moneymaking, comfortable, and rapacious slavery industry, especially plantation slavery. However, on the other hand, the North was rising up with a sense of conviction toward the nature of slavery. The South pursued the expansion of slavery and the North sought its abolishment. Slavery was the most disputed subject in that time.…
When Lincoln was inaugurated for a second term he put the 10% plan into use. This plan allowed the south to come back into the union if 10% of its voters pledged an oath of allegiance back into the union. Soon after this plan was put into use, Lincoln is assassinated and President Johnson is sworn into office. He ultimately favored Lincoln’s 10% plan and freely let the south back into the economy. All the African Americans wanted was to have freedom and get paid for the work they did.…
Have you ever felt like you weren’t being treated fairly? Like you weren’t treated equally because you don’t live like someone else. You feel frustrated because nothing ever goes your way. You always have to get your way by someone else getting theirs. In 1860 the South seceded from the union.…
Between the end of the Civil War and the beginning of World War I, freedman, farmers, workers, and slaves created a lot of political organizations to support their shared goals. Most of the populations doing the labor work were often African-Americans (Blacks). Experiencing The Gilded Age, the Reconstruction and Progressive Era, was not an easy way to live. African Americans had no rights and were treated harshly. The jobs and roles they played were as freedmen, farmers, workers and slaves.…
There were many hard fought battles in the Civil War. But, arguably the biggest battle the United States went through, was the Reconstruction of the Civil War. The North may have won the war, but the South got their fair share of victory during reconstruction. The South did everything in their power to make sure “equality” was only preserved for the white man even though slavery was abolished. Once a black man was considered a free slaved, the South would not try to accept change, rather, they refused to respect any freedoms given to a black man.…
The South relied on the slavery system to ensure that their crops were tended to and cultivated. The Southerners were unhappy with this passing so they reestablished a new civil authority known as the “Black…
After the American Civil War, the United States became a unity. The slavery had been abolished by Abraham Lincoln. Although there were still a strong inequity between African Americans and White Americans, at least the black people had civic rights and the right to vote. Also, a lot of advanced weapon had been invented during the American Civil War which made American military power stronger than other countries after the war. So the United States rapidly became an industrialized powerful nation after the American Civil…
Reconstruction was known as a bloody time period in American history from 1865 to 1877. Many people lost their life over the matter of slavery. Many states seceded from the United States to form the Confederate States when Abraham became president. During the split of the United states, Republican had the upper hand and took the South out of electorate because they left the Union. Abraham Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union after his election in 1860.…
Reconstruction was one of the biggest failures in United States History. It was supposed to be one of the most important things to happen to the country after the Civil War, but due to the lack of good leadership, and difficulty of a good compromise between the Democrats and the Republicans, it became a lost cause. The failure of Reconstruction definitely did affect the recently freed African Americans and Republicans. The Civil War was one of the most important events in United States History.…
Reconstruction: Illusion of Equality Following the end of the civil war, slavery came to an end with the passing of three important amendments the 13th which abolished slavery, 14th that gave the right to citizenship to any individual black, tainted or white born in the US and last the 15th allowing African American men to vote. African Americans would finally have been considered equal to rest of the US citizens or so they thought. Even though the new three amendments granted African American their new rights they were cheated out of them by both the Federal government who failed to enforce them and by the State government who took advantage of that and allowed several different methods to still oppress African Americans and maintain white…