13th Amendment Essay Conclusion

Superior Essays
The 13th Amendment was one of the most powerful Amendments that was given to our country. The passing of the 13th Amendment meant that all African Americans were no longer to be slaves, but were considered free individuals. Although the passing of this amendment occurred, African Americans struggled on a day-to-day basis with racism and segregation. The 13th amendment was meant to free them completely from the torture and struggle they had to deal with, but that was not the solution.
Before the 13th Amendment was passed, life for the blacks was not easy. They were whipped, beaten, sold and sometimes even killed on a daily basis. Many Whites were appreciative of this passing because they agreed that the way they were treated was unfair and
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It stated that “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist with the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” The 13th Amendment also granted freedom to about four million slaves, and gave them the rights of any other individual in the world. The passing of the 13th Amendment changed many views that the Americans had on the Constitution. They were surprised, and some angry, that Congress was making so many changes to it, especially about the abolishment of slavery. They were so surprised because slavery was important to many individuals in the United States, especially in the South. The South relied on the slavery system to ensure that their crops were tended to and cultivated. The Southerners were unhappy with this passing so they reestablished a new civil authority known as the “Black …show more content…
Thus, the law must protect both the owner and the slave from any peril. The laws were also designed to replace the social controls of slavery that were removed from the Emancipation Proclamation and to keep African Americans in poverty. (2) Unfortunately, along with what was listed above, it was meant to assure that White supremacy was still enforced. These laws also came with some legal rights: in court their testimony was not taken if it involved a White, they could not make and contracts or own any property, and if they were to be attacked, they could not fight back if the other person were to be White. Along with the legal rights, there are certain restrictions that they had to follow such as; not having the ability to be taught how to read or write, could not carry firearms, and many other things. In fact, they were not granted the right to vote till about 1965 when Congress passed the Voting Rights Act.

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