Source: King andrew the first contemporary cartoon shows how Andrew Jackson is a good leader. Above the picture it states that he is “Born to Command” the author of this image believed that Jackson a great leader. He showed him as a strong powerful man with great power and great leadership. Jackson accomplished many things that the people of his era truly agreed with. Such as he gave every white male the right to vote if they had land or if they did not. Also the second bank of the U.S served as a monopoly to the rich and it also did not answer to anyone in the government.
Document D talks about a person that came …show more content…
but only five were publicly appointed by the President and the rest came from stockholders. Nicholas Biddle whom ran the bank announced that the bank intended to pay off the national debt. On 1833 Jackson announced that the government would no longer deposit federal funds in the second bank of the U.S He then used his executive power to close the account and to put the money in various state