Thousands of Indians died fighting for their belief in the tribal entity and divine cultures. The exodus of Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma, which resulted not only in the uprooting of their nation but the death of eight of every ten emigrants. It is as cruel as inhumane to compel the aborigines to abandon their ancestor’s graves and seek a new shelter from the other side of Mississippi. In the names of providing Indians a promoting union, permanent harmony and the arts of civilization under Jackson’s policies, he alternatively removes Indians to unwanted lands where marshlands and extreme environment severely affect their survival. To weaken the power of Indian chiefs, who seriously oppose the removal, Jackson proposed the annuities for tribal capital improvements and tribal education, however, are currently terminated. Moreover, the Cherokee receives only forty-four cents per cents, which are obviously insufficient to their survival. Is it worth it to deliberately cause all the slaughterous bloodshed in the Seminole War for “the nation’s interests” for lands? Are Indians lives negligible enough to
Thousands of Indians died fighting for their belief in the tribal entity and divine cultures. The exodus of Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma, which resulted not only in the uprooting of their nation but the death of eight of every ten emigrants. It is as cruel as inhumane to compel the aborigines to abandon their ancestor’s graves and seek a new shelter from the other side of Mississippi. In the names of providing Indians a promoting union, permanent harmony and the arts of civilization under Jackson’s policies, he alternatively removes Indians to unwanted lands where marshlands and extreme environment severely affect their survival. To weaken the power of Indian chiefs, who seriously oppose the removal, Jackson proposed the annuities for tribal capital improvements and tribal education, however, are currently terminated. Moreover, the Cherokee receives only forty-four cents per cents, which are obviously insufficient to their survival. Is it worth it to deliberately cause all the slaughterous bloodshed in the Seminole War for “the nation’s interests” for lands? Are Indians lives negligible enough to