President Jackson was unconstitutional because he went against the Supreme Court. “The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me, but I will kill it.” (Doc 5) Because Clay was joined in with the Bank, Jackson believes he has to be involved. Jackson also says that the bank is hydra headed because there is Clay and Biddle. Also, he says that …show more content…
"It will be my sincere and constant desire to observe toward the Indian tribes within our limits a just and liberal policy”... (Doc 2) Jackson was open minded about the Indian tribes. This allowed him to have a future friendship, or in a sense, loyalty towards each other. This loyalty was carried on for some time and then Jackson authorized all Native Americans to be removed from the Southeast states of Georgia, Mississippi, & Alabama and moved west of the Mississippi River after gold was found on Cherokee land in Georgia. Some of the major tribes that were affected were the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Creek tribes. "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." (Doc 1) When Jackson said his inauguration, he says that he will, “preserve.” When he goes against the just and liberal policy with the Native Americans, he breached the affirmation of preserving the Union. Because of his Indian fighting in Florida during the 1820s, he had a deep seeded hatred toward the "savage" Native Americans; however, Jackson took two steps to help hide his hatred. Yet this hatred led to disliking the Natives and forgetting all about the just and liberal policy that he had agreed to with the Native