Ancient Egypt And Mesopotamia Similarities

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Some of the earliest civilizations in the world had very similar, but also very different ways of life. A couple of the earliest civilizations and most prominent in the world where Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. These two particular civilizations probably had some of the greatest influence not just on their community, but on the whole world around them. Both of these particular civilizations where at the height of their era around 2000 B.C.E., the things they did like trade and agriculture helped shape many more civilizations for thousands of years to come. These two particular cultures shared many similar political, economic, and social structures, but they also differed in serval ways as well. In order to have a long and thriving civilization …show more content…
That is also very alive and true in today’s society. It’s very apparent that in order for ancient civilizations to thrive they usually need to have some spectacular trading routes. Mesopotamia also known as “The Land between the Rivers”, had great access to trading routes. Some of the great things that they were able to create in order to trade to other civilizations would be both bronze and iron metallurgy. Metal work was a very important craft and trade because every single civilization needed weapons in order to survive so Mesopotamia was able to corner that market in a sense a make tons of money from this trade. Also another thing that the Mesopotamian people where really good at was shipbuilding. This particular good was so important because it allowed them to be able to ship all types of different goods all around the world. It really helped open up their economy and was a very strong way to make money. “Until about 1750 B.C.E. Sumerian merchants shipped woolen textiles, leather goods, sesame oil, and jewelry to India in exchange for copper, ivory, pearls, and semiprecious stones” ((Bentley, Ziegler, and Streets-Salter, p. 13). This is only a couple of things that Mesopotamia traded with there are many more things that could be added like agriculture. Most civilizations wouldn’t be able to survive if it wasn’t for agriculture, being able to produce food at …show more content…
Both civilizations had hierarchy governments as their political foundation. While both of them where not the exact same to one another there where pretty close. Also, both of these societies had access phenomenal trade routes that allowed them to trade with many different civilizations around the world. Having those trade routes really gave them an economical advantage above other civilizations. And as stated prior gender roles where very different from one another. In Ancient Egypt women could be pharaohs, not just men. While in Mesopotamia women where very limited to what they were allowed to do, mostly they could help run the family business and take care of the kids. There wasn’t nearly as much freedom for women to advance within that society. Both of these civilizations where very large powerhouses within the time period that they were around, both doing very similar, but also different things within their society and

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