There are many reasons why traffickers trafficked children. For example to make children do forced labour, forced marriage, exploitation or sexual exploitation. Also, to make children afraid by abusing them. This research is to analyze the reasons for child trafficking. With this in mind, child traffickers use children for forced labour and for forced marriage. In fact, children worldwide has been taken by 45 million in 2016 shown on the cite, “Tackling Slavery, Human Trafficking and Child Labour in Modern Businesses”. It says how children are abused for any mistake made. Children are also forced and controlled to perform sex acts to a adult. The United nation is trying to stop child trafficking by 2030. In another words children who have been trafficked are forced to do a variety of forced labour. …show more content…
For example they’re punished for being a trafficker. In fact, 40.3 million people are affected. But, it used to be worse. Only, 5 million decrease. It use to be 45 million. This means the united nations are working hard for child trafficking. So, it stops at 2030. Most punishments are exploitation or sexual exploitation. Also, for manipulation. The estimate for trafficking children is $50 billion worldwide. In conclusion people are affected from trafficking is 40.3 million. Also, that children get punishments for lots of things.
Additionally, sexual exploitation happens more than other punishments for being a child trafficked. The amount being 20 to 30 million. In fact, like I mention early 20 to 30 million girls prostitutes are affected. Traffickers get $32 billion a year for just prostitution.The highest percentage of trafficking is sexual control. Sexual control is 80% more than other punishments. In conclusion the highest punishments of trafficking is sexual