Compare And Contrast Essay On The Holocaust

Improved Essays
Everything in the past stays in the past and is left behind, not to be worried about again. That’s what everyone says...but is that really the truth? The Holocaust was a big part in our world’s history. Many people know of the millions of people who were killed during the Holocaust in 1933-1945, but they think that we are better now and it won’t happen again. It could very well happen though. Hitler could happen again, because one, it is easier to hate than love, two, a group could start something with good intentions and then it goes downhill, and three, people do crazy things when they are scared. One reason Hitler could happen again, is because it is easier to hate than love. Everyone could easily admit that when they first see someone, …show more content…
They are both different, but you go up the same way. One does seem easier and more appealing to people, though. Why is that? With the pyramid of hate, it …show more content…
When people are scared, they do things that they normally wouldn’t, because they aren’t thinking. In the Terrible Things Allegory, all of the animals lived peacefully and were all friends, but that changed when the Terrible Thing came. When the Terrible Thing came and started taking people from their homes and disappearing with them, no one stood up and tried to stop the Terrible Thing. They just watched and stayed inside their home, because they weren’t the ones being taken, but they were scared that if they stood up, they would be taken too. Even though they were all friends and neighbors, they were willing to watch them get taken away for their own safety. So, ask yourself, if your friend or neighbor was being taken away from you forever into an unknown future, would you just sit there and watch for your own safety, or do something. Being scared is normal for everyone, and everyone does crazy things when they are scared, but the scary thing is, is that your actions when you are scared can be used to the advantage of people who want to take power over lots of

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