Persecution Of Jews In America In The 1920's

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The Holocaust was a depressing time. People were separated and killed because of their nationality and beliefs. This was the work of the infamous Adolf Hitler. As The United States of America begins a new presidential race, some Americans will be concerned with the possibility of a new Holocaust-like Era. However, America will not experience Holocaust-like eras now, or in the near future. This is because of the comparison of past attitudes to present attitudes and the current amount of tolerance in the United states.

Among many people killed during the Holocaust, Jews, as well as Polish and homosexual people were killed. They were killed because of their nationality, and beliefs. In the United States however, persecution of Jews, or any nationality, has been brought down to a minimum. If one was to look back at persecution of different nationalities in America in the 1920s, one would find that “It was a time of racial hatred. Many whites joined the Ku Klux Klan organization. The Klan often terrorized blacks. Klan members sometimes burned fiery crosses in front of the houses of black
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And they sometimes beat and murdered blacks,” so, African American people were persecuted much like Jews in the early part of the Holocaust. Since the 1920s, America has experienced major changes. The KKK is no longer a threat to the majority blacks, and blacks and whites now share public

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