According to the director, Alex Gibney he believes that the wealth gap between the rich and poor in the U.S is too large. American that the ultra-rich people of the country are hurting the middle and lower classes by enlarging the wage gap in order to make themselves richer. Wealthy …show more content…
With this capitalist have “rigged the game in their fortune in their favor,” which has caused the revolutionary inequality in America. The middle and lower class should care because the top 1% of people who actually hold the power in making laws that affect people and hurt the lower class. From the beginning of history, White Americans have always had the wealth and power.
What is the American Dream? The American dream is the idea that life should be better, richer, and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. Gibney’s documentary brings to light the alarming concern of corruption in America through our political system. The U.S uses the “American Dream” as a facade that we can all live comfortably, but in reality, this facade is hurting the future economic opportunities for people of color. Most of the people that come to the U.S for a better life are people that come from overseas