Poverty is defined as extremely poor, which means people still have little money. People that suffer poverty spend their money on unnecessary and unhealthy foods. Obesity can be caused by many aspects throughout the lives of people. He also discusses how people who suffer from poverty have multiple jobs and eat all the time and don’t have time for exercise. This is a big reason why the poor may suffer from obesity. Dolnick also describes a survey that was made to show the increases and decreases in food hardship throughout states nationwide. Dolnick explains how people try to help the poor and bring coupons and vegetables and fruits into their lives, but the poor will take advantage and buy a massive supply and then they continue to buy these foods and decreases the chance in staying healthy. Although, Dolnick gives many reasons how obesity can occur; he leaves out some
Poverty is defined as extremely poor, which means people still have little money. People that suffer poverty spend their money on unnecessary and unhealthy foods. Obesity can be caused by many aspects throughout the lives of people. He also discusses how people who suffer from poverty have multiple jobs and eat all the time and don’t have time for exercise. This is a big reason why the poor may suffer from obesity. Dolnick also describes a survey that was made to show the increases and decreases in food hardship throughout states nationwide. Dolnick explains how people try to help the poor and bring coupons and vegetables and fruits into their lives, but the poor will take advantage and buy a massive supply and then they continue to buy these foods and decreases the chance in staying healthy. Although, Dolnick gives many reasons how obesity can occur; he leaves out some