Women's Pay Inequality

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A theme in our history has been the removal and the disregarding of rights in accordance to a specific subculture in our society, usually characterized by one 's gender, sexual preference, or nationality.As a result of such beliefs individuals were being deprived of their basic human rights; they were being discriminated against. Discrimination based on one 's gender is a common and frequent violation of one 's civil rights. Throughout history women have been ostracized due to their appearance and men have tried to rid them of any basic rights. Women due to their features, which can include the texture of one 's skin, is what lead to the ideal that they were weaker than the other sex. Although, woman were eventually able to obtain suffrage …show more content…
When examining the data presented in the census for the United States it is noticeable that women are being given a lesser pay then their male counterparts. For example, in 2014 women were only making 78 cents to the dollar paid to men. The pay gap is an ideal that has haunted our society for decades and still possess some strength. Many state that the pay gap is a result of family obligations; that men rarely lose work as a result of caring for a child or family member. Overall the subculture of women have faced several obstacles such as the glass ceiling which was a barrier "so subtle that it is transparent, yet so strong that it prevents women from moving up the corporate hierarchy" (Morrison, Ann). With the oppression of women came the introduction of a wave of change and the rise of a subculture of women referred to as Feminist who sought the equality of …show more content…
Mulvey states that the male gaze is the directing of images/ sexual images toward male audiences and their amusement. Mulvey also institutes the ideal of voyeurism and sadism and how those who create projects use these conceptions in order to gain publicity or a reputation. Both of these phrases relate to the sexual pleasure one receives; "refer(ing) to pleasure in looking and exhibitionism" ( Cartwright & Sturken, 124).

Look at me-

The "male gaze" has dominated every form of entertainment such as comic books, hip-pop/pop culture and the film industry. In these industries women tend to be on display for the male viewer which results in the objectifying of women and the turning of women into objects of desire. In comic books several of the female characters wear little to no clothing, instead of praised for their powers, they are being examined. Most of the clothing that these characters wear leave little to the imagination, covering up only the nipples and the vagina. One can only stop and think how effective are these "costumes" when it comes to battle. Most of the time the illustrators draw the female character looking down, a sign of submission, a sign of approval for the male viewer to inspect ever crevice of her body. In addition to the little clothing that the characters wear, each of their movements and poses

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