The French and Indian war was very expensive and England wanted the American Colonists to pay for it. To do this several …show more content…
The members broke into the homes of tax collectors, beat them up, and burned tax documents. To protect the officials British troops were sent over and the colonists were forced to house them (Document K). This led to more revolt, such as the Boston Massacre and the Boston tea party. The Boston massacre really sparked up anger in the colonies because of the light punishment given to the soldiers who shot the civilians (Document D). When the Tea Act was passed, all the pent up emotions of the colonists were revived, the Boston Tea party was very important to the start of the revolution.
The Relationship changes between England and the American colonist’s quickly elevated after the French and Indian War. With the change of respect that Great Britain was giving the colonies, the colonists became more and more passionate with their revolt. They had to stand strong and stay together (Document B) to eventually win the seven years’ war and gain the confidence to compete with their mother country. When the declaration of independence was created it was the cherry on top to showing England that the American colonies were bound to become their own country free of British