The French and Indian War was the beginning cause of the Revolutionary War. The English aided the colonies during this war by giving up money, supplies, and troops. In other words, the colonies helped the British help fight a war they had started a 100 years before. However, the English felt that they needed to be paid back for what they had given up, much like Thomas Whately said in his pamphlet “Considerations...” that he believed that things like the Stamp act were justified. This is the beginning, of the colonists annoyance towards the English …show more content…
However, Dickinson does object to the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts, which are both had to do with regulating and controlling the taxes on the colonies. These acts were also placed upon the colonist to benefit the British , and for them to show their power over the colonies. Another event that contributed to the Revolutionary War was the Boston Massacre. This massacre happened in Boston after men in town surround British soldiers and through and yelled things at them. In the confusion, 5 colonist were killed. Even though, the colonists played the victim in a fight they clearly started, it helped to change the minds of many colonists about the