Aging Shoes Research Paper

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Aging Shoes I slowly took out my father’s old shoes, covered with dust, from the antique shoe cabinet and started to clean and shine them with my bare hands. While cleaning them, I turned my head to see where my father was; he was resting on the sofa, like always, gazing at the television screen. However, he was staring at it vacantly, especially without any emotion. I wiped away the tears dripping down, and turned back to focus on my work. Fourteen years ago, my father had a severe brain hemorrhage, a disease in which arteries burst in the brain that causes bleeding in the surrounding cells and tissues. After days of intense surgeries, he was barely able to open his eyes when he finally regained his consciousness. The illness impaired him so much that his abilities to move around and to show emotions were severely damaged. The most damaging effect of his condition for which I felt an icy arrow piercing through my heart was that he could not remember things or events as clearly as before; he could not even recognize his own family. I had to explain to him awkwardly who I was so that he would stop staring at me as if I were a stranger. Thinking of him, I found tears were falling again from my eyes, gently dropping on the shoes that I was cleaning. …show more content…
My words and behaviors must have hurt my parents, but they did not complain to or rebuked me. However, everything changed in college when Jesus came into my life. Through his presence in me and his words written in the Bible, I was able to understand that I am a child of God. I also realized that I owe everything to the grace of God. Finally, as I learned more about God, my bad behaviors started to dissipate, and I began to serve my parents with

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