By having a thicker gel, smaller segments can move better and not be cleared out by bigger segments. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is used to replicate DNA. In Lab 5, we created PCR amplicons by collecting our own DNA through our cheek cells, adding Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs, primer, and a proper buffer solution into a PCR tube.…
Purpose and Background Cells divide in two ways, mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is used to produce cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell for growth, asexual reproduction, or repair after injury. Cells that are produced by mitosis are diploid, meaning that they have two complete sets of chromosomes, one from each parent. Meiosis is used to produce haploid cells that have only one set of chromosomes, a mix of chromosomes from both parents. Meiosis produces cells that are genetically unique from their parent cells.…
Interactive Question 7.2 Cite some experimental evidence that indicates that membrane proteins drift. A good form of experimental evidence is Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching, aka FRAP. In the FRAP process, membrane proteins are labelled with a green fluorescent protein, and part of the plasma membrane is “bleached” with a laser, causing them to lose their fluorescence. The part that was bleached will eventually become fluorescent again, as molecules drift in by diffusion.…
BIOL 1010 ASSIGNMENT 1 OCT 6 BY JORDAN KAPITANY ST 100883963 Among the many scientific achievements of the twentieth century in the field of bio-technology scientists Paul Berg, Herbert W Boyer, Stanley N Cohen and team for their research that lead the party to discover a technique of taking genes from one organism and inserting them into another organism, also more formally known as Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA recombinant technology. In 1971 Berg and team successfully isolated DNA of virus found in monkey's known as lambda then placed the genetic material into DNA sequence of a different simian virus called SV4O. This was done by first using a DNA enzyme, a naturally occurring molecule that has the unique chemicals properties to sever the bonds in the DNA sequence, from a very specific kind of…
Title Occurrence of microRNA expressions using two macronutrient deficiencies presented to Arabidopsis Thaliana Introduction Arabidopsis Thaliana was the model chosen for this experiment. It was used for miRNA expression because its entire genome is already sequenced (Weems 362-369). It is also easy to grow in difficult conditions and has a short lifespan.…
Biology 15 Lab # 4 Professor Passerini September 23, 2015 Scot Albert Lab #4 Questions 1a,b,c, 2, 3a,b,c, 4, 5a,b,c, 7, 11c, d, e, 12a,b ---------------------------------------------------------- 1- a-They are found primarily in the thylakoid membranes. b-No. Cyanobacteria do not have distinct nuclei.…
The agarose gel is poured onto a plastic plat forming wells, and then DNA samples are placed in small wells. When samples are added to their relative wells, gel and plastic plate are…
SDS-Page/Coomassie Blue Analysis: Make a stacking gel for the SDS Page. Then, make the 12% resolving gel by using deionized water with 4X resolving buffer, 10% APS, 30% Acrylamide, and TEMED in a vial. Pour the stacking gel on top of the resolving gel and then insert the plastic comb to show the wells. Place the gel in an electrophoresis tank that is filled with 500 mL of electrophoresis buffer. Vortex, boil, and centrifuge the G0, G3, GCE, W4, W4, E3, E2 samples, and the ladder.…
Agmatine is a well known neurotransmitter. It also works as a neuromodulator in certain processes in the body. It is prepared through the removal of a carboxylic group from L-Arginine. It is naturally stored in the neurons and therefore used in the nervous system whenever required. Agmatine was discovered over 100 years ago in 1910 by Kossel.…
Purpose: The overall goal of this lab was to perform a procedure on E. Coli which involved transferring genes that encoded for the green fluorescent protein into E. Coli to see if the transferred genes would make a difference on the growth and whether or not the bacteria would glow under UV light. Hypothesis: If the bacteria with the pGLO plasmid was grown on a plate containing LB and ampicillin then the bacteria will grow but not glow under UV light. If the bacteria with the pGLO plasmid was grown on a plate containing LB, ampicillin, and arabinose then it will be able to grow and glow under UV light. If the bacteria without pGLO plasmid was grown on a plate containing LB and ampicillin then it will not be able to grow or glow under UV light.…
In the late first century the author Tacitus addressed the extreme oppression imposed by the Roman empire by writing about the actions of his father-in-law, Agricola. Tacitus even used the enemies of the empire to address the growing immorality that went hand in hand with imperial rule. Tacitus used his writing as a medium of criticism towards the empire by talking about the moral values of a specific few to be contrasted against the empire as a whole. The difference between how the public viewed the empire and what Tacitus wrote offered to the reader a stark contrast of moral and immoral.…
To prepare the gel, students mixed .3g of agarose and 30mLs of 1X TAE buffer in a 125 ml flask (Penn State Biology 220W Lab Manual, pgs.55-59). The mixture was microwaved and set to cool for 3 minutes. After the cooling process, 1µl of ethidium bromide dye was added to the agarose. The mixture was then poured into the gel caster of the electrophoresis unit. Once the mixture formed a solid gel, 1X TAE buffer was poured over the electrophoresis unit.…
There are no concrete studies that has determine the actual dose of Ginkgo extract to achieve an actual benefit. The components of ginkgo ( flovanol glycoside, terpenes) do not significantly inhibit human cytochrome P450 isoforms in vitro liver microsomal studies, and the clinical important of this information is unknown. Absorption has been through the small intestine. Studies have shown half-life of ginkgolides A and B, bilobalide are 4.5, 10.6, and 3.2 hours with peak levels at 2-3 hours. Most studies of ginkgo extract used the standardized extract of EGb 761, with standardized contain of 24% flavonoid glycoside and 6% terpenoids.…
Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) images and spectra were obtained from various samples of silica and platinum on silica. Each sample contains unique structures which were prepared by etching the surface of silica in different conditions. A scanning electron microscope is a type of electron microscope that produces images of topography and composition by scanning a sample with a focused beam of electrons. Samples can be observed in high vacuum, low vacuum, in wet conditions, or at elevated temperatures.…
Introduction In this lab report I use two different techniques to identify Unknown A and Unknown B bacteria’s. These techniques are gram staining and metabolic testing. I first used Gram staining to distinguished and identify the bacteria’s. Han Christian discovered gram staining in 1882, he had biopsy a patient lung that had pneumonia.…