The purpose of this ABO-Rh Blood Typing Experiment is to identify the individual blood types and observe the reactions between antigens and antibodies. Blood is typed by the presence or absence of a specific antigen/s in the plasma membrane of a red blood cell. Depending upon the antigen/antibody reaction, we will be able to identify the unknown blood types in each of the samples.
Blood typing is extremely significant in the world we live in today. If you ever intend on donating blood or, in an extreme circumstance, need a blood transfusion, it is crucial to know what blood type you are. If one’s body is given mismatched blood, your antibodies will attack the antigens of the “foreign” blood. The attack will cause your blood …show more content…
On palate #3, we placed 1 drop of synthetic blood sample #3 in each of the wells labeled A, B, and Rh.
7. On palate #4, we placed 1 drop of synthetic blood sample #4 in each of the wells labeled A, B, and Rh.
8. We used three toothpicks per palate (blue, yellow, and red). We used the blue toothpick for well A. We used the yellow toothpick for well B. We used the red toothpick for well Rh.
9. Using the toothpicks, we stirred the synthetic blood and anti-serum in each of the wells for 30 seconds. Then we discarded toothpicks.
10. We examined the mixtures. We carefully looked for films or clumps left behind. If the sample had any of these characteristics, we knew agglutination had occurred. We also knew that a positive agglutination reaction indicates the blood type.
11. We recorded the results for each of the blood samples.
12. We cleaned the palates by drying up the mixtures in wells with a paper towel. Then we disinfected each palate with Simple Green and returned our supplies. …show more content…
Blood type AB has both antigen A and B, but neither anti-A or B antibodies. The agglutination that occurred was a result of the presence of both antigens A and B reacting with the anti-A antibodies and anti-B antibodies. Antigens A and B recognized these anti-A antibodies and anti-B antibodies foreign to the cell, hence, an immune response took place. The positive was determined because there was a reaction in well Rh, proving that the Rh antigen was present. Type AB+ blood is considered to be a universal recipient because it lacks anti-A antibodies and anti-B antibodies. Therefore, they can safely receive any type of